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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita.

  • O artigo submetido não está sendo avaliado por outra revista.

  • Os arquivos submetidos estão em formato Microsoft Word.

  • Não consta no corpo do texto nenhum tipo de identificação do (s) autor (es).

  • A identificação de autoria do trabalho não consta nas propriedades do arquivo enviado (ver opções de propriedade).

  • O artigo possui co-autores e os mesmos aprovaram a presente submissão.

Author Guidelines

1. Title: in Portuguese and English

2. Abstract: must describe the problems addressed, the methods used and main conclusions, both in Portuguese and English;

3. Keywords: three keywords must be provided, in Portuguese and English;

4. Article must be presented in Word format or equivalent;

5. Paper size: A4;

6. Font: Times New Roman;

7. Body text font size: 12;

8. Font size for the abstract and footnotes: 10;

9. Line spacing: 1.5 for body text and single for the abstract and footnotes;

10. Margins: 3.0 cm (left and top); 2.5 (right and bottom);

11. The articles should not exceed 60 thousand characters with spaces, including references.

12. Book reviews should not exceed 15 thousand characters.

13. Direct citations of up to three lines should be incorporated in the text and enclosed with double quotation marks.

14. Direct citations of more than three lines should come within a block quotation on new lines, indented 4cm, font size 10 and single spacing.

15. Author citations in the body text must conform to the following format: (AUTHOR, year) or (AUTHOR, year, page), the latter format being required for direct citations;

16. References must be included only in the end of the article in alphabetical order;

17. Referencing must observe the following rules:

17.1. Book:

DOWNS, ANTHONY. Uma teoria econômica da democracia. São Paulo: Edusp, 1999.

17.2. Book portion:

MOISÉS, J. A. Democracia e Desconfiança das Instituições Democráticas In: MOISÉS, J. A. Democracia e confiança: Por que os cidadãos desconfiam das instituições públicas? São Paulo: Edusp, 2010.

17.3. Journal:

ARRETCHE, Marta. Federalismo e igualdade territorial: uma contradição em termos? Dados, Rio de Janeiro, v. 53, n. 3, 2010

18. URLs to references should be provided as necessary;

19. Information on the author(s): Full name, most recent title, institutional affiliation, e-mail, phone number, full home address.


Política padrão de seção


Dossiê: Políticas Públicas em Segurança

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In the evaluation process will be kept secret names of authors and reviewer.