
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista.
  • O texto foi escrito por (ou em coautoria com) um doutor ou doutorando (para o caso de artigos).
  • A RLR está aberta para pesquisadores das diversas instituições de ensino superior do Brasil e do exterior


  • O arquivo principal da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word (doc), SEM  identificação

    O arquivo suplementar consiste em uma versão COM  identificação do mesmo artigo.

  • O texto segue as normas da revista descritas em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre da Revista Letras Raras.
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas.
  • Em caso de artigos oriundos de pesquisas que envolvam seres humanos, (cf.RESOLUÇÃO Nº 510, DE 07 DE ABRIL DE 2016), os autores deveão anexar, obrigatoriamente, o parecer favorável do Comitê de Ética (cf. Plataforma Brasil) em "documentos suplementares", no ato da submissão. Caso contrário, o artigo não poderá ser avaliado.
  • A RLR agora publica números bilíngues. 
    Caso o artigo original (em português, francês, espanhol, italiano ou alemão) receba pareceres favoráveis à publicação, os autores se comprometem a providenciar a tradução para a língua inglesa no prazo estipulado pela revista.
    Caso o artigo original seja submetido em língua inglesa, os autores deverão providenciar a tradução para a língua portuguesa (apenas em caso de aprovação para publicação).

  • A tradução para a língua inglesa (e, se for o caso, para a língua portuguesa) deve ser feita por um profissional, uma vez que a tradução da segunda versão será revisada pela equipe da nossa revista.
  • Por estar ligada à Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, não há custos finaceiros para autores publicarem seus artigos na Revista Letras Raras. Os professores e pesquisadores membros dos comitês técnico e científicos também contribuem voluntariamante.

Author Guidelines

Paper submission instructions


Research Group/CNPq Laboratory of Letras and Language Studies in Contemporaneity

Revista Letras Raras RLR – is an online journal linked to the Federal University of Campina Grande. It publishes original and unpublished papers authored by professors and researchers holding a PhD certificate, and by PhD students in co-authorship with professors and researchers from national and international institutions of learning, teaching and research. Maximum number of co-authors should be three (3).

The journal publishes articles/papers, essays, book reviews, interviews, translations and artistic productions linked to the scope of Letras and Language studies.

All papers are published in a bilingual format, with English necessarily as the language of the second version.

The process will be as follows:

Authors who submit their manuscript originally in Portuguese, French, Italian, German or Spanish must wait until they have their texts reviewed.

If the text is approved after receiving favorable reviews by our referees, authors should provide a translated version of the original manuscript into English. To do so, they will have about a month to send RLR the translated version.

RLR encourages authors to hire professional translators to provide this service. Once authors have submitted the translated version, the manuscript will go through the RLR English language board responsible for assessing the writing in English. After this process, the manuscript may be returned to the author so that he/she can contact the translator and clarify any doubts that may arise.

The editorial norms for English manuscripts are the same as those considered for the original manuscripts, be they written in Portuguese, French, Italian, German or Spanish.

Authors who submit for approval a paper originally in English must, in case it is accepted, provide its version in Portuguese, following the same guidelines indicated for the English language. Only papers with accepted versions in Portuguese (or another chosen language) and English will be published. If both versions are not accepted, the article will not be published.

The report of any research involving human beings (see Resolution No. 510 of April 07, 2016) must be accompanied by the ethics approval provided by the Human Research Ethics Committee (see Plataforma Brasil) to be included in the "Supplementary files" section of the submission process. Otherwise, the article will not be reviewed.  

Only book reviews published in Brazil in the last 2 years and abroad in the last 4 years should be submitted for publication in the journal. Translations should be preferably of academic papers and book chapters published within twelve months of submission. Interviews should be conducted with researchers with academic prestige acknowledged in Brazil and abroad, or with writers.

Articles/papers can be written in one of the following languages: Portuguese, French, English, Spanish, Italian, and German. For papers written in PortugueseTÍTULO, RESUMO, and PALAVRAS-CHAVE should come before the body of the paper, and their English versions, TITLE, ABSTRACT, and KEYWORDS, after it. For texts written in any of the other languages, the corresponding elements that come before the body of the paper should be written in the same language the paper was written; the corresponding elements that come after the body of the paper should be written in Portuguese for papers written in English and in English for papers written in French, Spanish, Italian or German.

The journal editor reserves the right to return a manuscript if it departs from the style requirements. When applicable, a personal letter will be sent to the author, asking for improvements and adaptations.


Online submissions


To submit a paper, authors (at most 3 per paper) must be registered on the journal’s website. To register, click ACESSO (Register) on the journal’s website. Afterwards, create a login name and a password, and fill in the profile. It is important to save the information given and to register as an author to be able to submit.

After the mentioned steps, start the submission process by clicking on SUMISSÕES ATIVAS (Active submissions). Then, CLIQUE AQUI PARA INICIAR O PROCESSO DE SUBMISSÃO (Click here to start the submission process). Follow the five-step submission process below:

1- Start: Confirm the agreement to the Journal Policies (Condições de submissão) and the Copyright Terms (Declaração de Direito Autoral) by checking the appropriate boxes. Select Artigo (Paper). Save the form and go to step 2.

2- Enter metadata: Indicate main data, such as first name, last name, email, institution, city, state and country, bio statement, paper title and abstract, financing and sponsors, if related to the study being published. Save the form and go to step 3.

3- Upload: Upload the paper file to the system in a way not to reveal the authorship of the paper (anonymous authorship). Go to step 4.

4- Supplementary files: Upload the paper file to the system once again. This time, however, the authorship must be indicated (affiliation institution, academic degree and email as a footnote). Go to step 5.

5- Confirm: Confirm and finish the submission.

After confirming the submission, authors will receive a confirmation email from the journal editor. After submission, authors can follow up the process, from submission and acceptance, through assessment and final version preparation request, to online publication. All papers are read and analyzed by anonymous referees. The journal’s Editorial Board and Editors are responsible for the policy of paper selection.

Each author can submit only one text per issue and, having had a text published, they can only submit again after 3 issues of the journal.

Only texts submitted by the platform will be published.

Preparation of manuscripts

- Paper format

Papers length should be from 4,000 to 10,000 words.

1. Page configuration: The page size should be set to A4 (21cm x 29.7cm). Leave 3 cm from the top and bottom of the page, and 3.0 cm on the right and left margin.

2. Font type: Use Times New Roman fonts, 12-point size.

3. Spacing: 1.5 line spacing and paragraph spacing. Leave a blank space of 1.5, "6 pt spacing before and 0 pt spacing after", after the title of each section of the paper. Between the ABSTRACT/KEYWORDS and the beginning of the text, leave a blank space (1.5).

4. Indentation: First-line of paragraphs should be 1.25 cm indented.

5. Tables, Figures (drawings, graphs, photographs etc.) should follow the general pattern of the text,  numbered and identified with title or legend, size 10 (only initials in upper case) and referenced throughout the text in abbreviated form: Table 1, Fig. 2, etc.

First page

1 Write the title in Portuguese or in the foreign language chosen. Use Times New Roman, spacing 1.5 line, size 14, centered without margins, in bold, upper case only for the first letter or for names, in bold, followed by a slash and its translation to English in italics and in bold.

2 The name(s) of the author(s) should appear on the right below 2 blank single-spaced lines from the title, in italics, no bold, use Times new roman, size 12, upper case for the initials, followed by an asterisk, which will refer to the author’s  highest academic degree and affiliation institution (in full), separated by a hyphen from the acronym of the institution, followed by the city, state (province), country, and the electronic address (without the word ‘email’). The information in the footnote should be written using Times New Roman, size 10, justified text.

3 The word ABSTRACT (in the language the text was written, without italics) should be written in upper case, size 10, with no colon or indentation, below 2 blank single-spaced lines from the name(s) of the author(s). Start the abstract text in the line below it.

4 The abstract text itself (in the language the paper was written) should be below the word ABSTRACT (in the language the paper was written) and written without indentation, justified, size 10, containing from 150 to 250 words (simple space).

5 The KEYWORDS (in the language the paper was written) should appear in the line below the abstract text, followed by a colon, upper case, size 10, no bold, single-spaced, in the language the paper was written. Do not exceed five (5) words/expressions. Use upper case only for the first letter of each word/expression and semicolon to separate them without final mark at the end.

6 The term ABSTRACT (in English) should appear italicized, no bold, below 2 blank single-spaced lines from the KEYWORDS (in the language the paper was written), upper case, with no colon or indentation. Start the text of the abstract (English version) in the line below the term, also in italics, following the same structural characteristics described in item 3.

7 The term KEYWORDS (in English), in italics, five (5) words/expressions at most, should appear in the line below the text of the abstract, single-spaced and size 10. Only the first letter of each word will be capitalized.

8 Internal divisions of the body of the text should be written in the same size utilized in the body of the text, in bold, aligned to the left and numbered from 1, without a period, starting from the introduction. Example: "1 Introduction"


Body of the paper: Sections, Subsections, Footnotes 

Sections and Subsections: No indentation should be utilized. The first letter of the first word must be capitalized, numbered in Arabic numerals, no period, in bold. The sections Conclusion and References should not be numbered.

Bibliographical references in the body of the text should be enclosed in parentheses. Information to be added includes only the author's last name, date of publication of the work and the page number, separated by commas, e.g., (BLONDEAU, 2005, p.15).

If the author's name is cited in the sentence, only the date and the page number should be indicated in parentheses. Quotations should not include expressions like Idem, Ibidem, Op.Cit. Choose to give the complete reference as in the previous example.


The footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page, numbered according its appearance, starting from 1. Use Times New Roman, size 10. Do not use explanatory notes to references.

Use of typography: italics, bold, underlining and quotation marks

Italics: They should be used in three situations: foreign words, quotation of book titles in the body of the text, emphasis in a word or in an excerpt of the text.

Bold: Avoid it. Use it only in the title of the paper, its section and subsections.

Underlining: Avoid it.

Quotation marks: They should be used in the body of the text to quote parts of works and must be avoided for titles of papers, songs, chapters and parts of a work, which will appear with no emphasis.


Quotations longer than three text lines should be set in 11-point font size, single-spaced, and set out as a separate paragraph on a new line. The paragraph should be inset 4.0 cm from the left margin throughout, without any quotation marks or indentation. At the end of the quotation, the author’s last name should be in upper case, enclosed in parentheses; a comma should be placed between the author’s last name and year of publication. Page numbers follow the year and are preceded by “p.”; use a comma and a space between year and “p.”, e.g.,

Les activités d’éveil au langage doivent entre autres permettre à l’enfant d’éveiller sa conscience métalinguistique, de prendre conscience de l’arbitraire des langues et des cultures par la décentration et la distanciation. Les activités privilégiées sont le repérage par l’enfant des faits langagiers et communicatifs de tous types (animaux, bébés, gestuels, etc.) [...] Enfin, une place importante est accordée à la dimension affective, à la curiosité, au plaisir et à l’émotion. (CUQ; GRUCA, 2009, p. 319-320).

 For references of works written by one author and more than two co-authors, the expression “et al.” substitutes the surnames of the co-authors, e.g., (LIRA et al., 2010, p. 190).

All quotations from foreign works must be translated into the language in which the paper was written and the original text must be indicated in footnotes. We advise the use of translations that have been already published and if it is not possible to do it, we recommend that it be explained in a footnote.

autres permettre à l’enfant d’éveiller sa conscience métalinguistique, de prendre conscience de l’arbitraire des langues et des cultures par la décentration et la distanciation.” (CUQ; GRUCA, 2009, p. 319-320).


The word REFERENCES should be set in upper case (this word must be written right after the paper's last line, with 1.5 line spacing, with 0 pt spacing before and 6 pt spacing after, no bold, without indentation). Do not include the adjective ‘bibliographical’.  The first entry should appear in the line below the word REFERENCES.

The reference list should follow alphabetical order, not numbered, single-spaced, 6 pt spacing before and 0 pt spacing after between references.

References of the same author must follow chronological order. References of the same author with the same year should be distinguished by the use of lower case letters in alphabetical order, using a, b and c, for instance.

Some examples of references:

1 Books

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (use initials for the first and middle names). Title of the book (italics): subtitle (if there is one, no italics). Translated by Name of the translator. Printing edition. Place: Publishing House, date. v. (collection).

ARAÚJO, N. S.; PINHEIRO-MARIZ, J. Línguas, literatura e ensino: reflexões da contemporaneidade. 1ed. São Luis: EDUFMA, 2017.

2 Book chapter or essay in a collection

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (use initials for the first and middle names). Title of the chapter (no emphasis). In: (followed by the book references): AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name. Title of the book (italics, only the first letter of the title must be capitalized): subtitle (no italics). Translated by Name of the translator. Printing edition. Place: Publishing House, date. Page numbers (the ones which were read) or v. (collection).

SILVA, M. R. S. Uma África feminina e resistente em um romance argelino. In: ARAÚJO, N. S.; PINHEIRO-MARIZ, J. (Org.). Línguas, literatura e ensino: reflexões da contemporaneidade. 1ed. São Luis: EDUFMA, 2017, p. 183-200.

3 Paper published in conference proceedings

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (use initials for the first and middle names). Title: Subtitle. In: Name of the conference (italics), number, year, place where it took place. Publication title (italics): publication subtitle (no italics). Place of publication (city): Publishing House, date, initial and final pages of the paper.

SILVA, M. R. S. Mulheres nômades: resistências e buscas identitárias da mulher árabe, no romance l’Amour, la Fantasia, de Assia Djebar. In: III Jornada Nacional de Línguas e Linguagens, 3, 2017, Campina Grande. Anais da Jornada Nacional de Línguas e Linguagens. Campina Grande: Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, 2017, p. 20-30.

4.1 Papers published in printed journals

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (use initials for the first and middle names). Title of the paper (no emphasis). Title of the journal (italics), city, volume and number of the journal, pages and publication date.

MATHIAS, D. O olhar da minoria na poesia de Aysel Özakin. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 6, n. 2, p. 41-54, dez. 2017.

4.2 Paper published in newspapers

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (use initials for the first and middle names). Title of the paper (no emphasis).Title of the newspaper (italics), number or title of the part, section, Place, initial and final pages, day, month, year.

SILVA, J. Não consideramos alta de impostos agora. O Estado de S. Paulo, Caderno 2, São Paulo, p. D3, 25 jan. 2018.

5 Thesis and Dissertations

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (use initials for the first and middle names). Title (italics): subtitle (no italics), year, number of pages or volumes. Type of work (thesis or dissertation). Area. Name of the institution, city.

COSTA, P. S. “Americanah”: a literatura africana no ensino de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira. 2017. 157 f. Dissertação. (Mestrado em Linguagem e Ensino) Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande. 

6 Papers published in online journals

AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Author’s name (use initials for the first and middle names). Title of the paper. Title of the journal (italics), city, volume and number of the journal, year. Available at: [electronic address]. Access on: day/month/year.

SOUZA, R. G. Efeitos do plurilinguismo e intercompreensão na aprendizagem de língua portuguesa na Educação Básica. Revista Letras Raras, Campina Grande, v. 6, n. 3, 2017. Disponível em: []. Acesso em: 25 jan. 2018.

7.1 Movies

TITLE OF THE MOVIE. Director. Production Studio. Country of origin: year of production. Distributor place: Name of distributor, date. [VHS or DVD]. (Duration time), colored or b & w.

A INVENÇÃO DO BRASIL. Direção (roteiro e adaptação) de Guel Arraes. Filmes do Serro/Grupo Columbia Pictures do Brasil. Brasil: 2001. Rio de Janeiro: Videofilmes, 2001. DVD. (1h 28 min.), colorido.

7.2 Paintings, Photographs, Drawings etc

AUTHOR. Title [When there is no title, either indicate - without title - between square brackets or indicate one]. Date. Specification. If there are more data, they can be added in order to better identify the material.

PEREIRA. Mulher dormindo. 1990. Óleo sobre tela. Rio de Janeiro.

8.1 CDs and LPs

ARTIST’S SURNAME, Artist’s name [Band name]. Title of the work: subtitle [indicate if it is a CD or an LP]. Place of the recorder: Name of the recorder, date.

E.g., CRUZ, F. Dom. São Paulo: Sony, 2009

8.2 Songs, pieces etc.

SONG AUTHOR’S SURNAME, Song Author’s name. Title of the song. In: ARTIST’S SURNAME, Artist’s name [Band name]. Title of the work: subtitle [indicate if it is a CD or an LP]. Place of the recorder: Name of the recorder, date.

Ex.: SANTANA, João. O caminho. In: CRUZ, F. Dom [CD]. São Paulo: Sony, 2009.


Illustrations should be with the necessary quality for publication, identified with title or legend, designated on the text, in abbreviated form, as figure (Fig. 1, Fig. 2 etc.). They should be in JPEG format.

- Book Review format

The book review should not exceed 10,000 characters and contain, in the beginning, the full reference of the book reviewed, including the number of pages. The reference should be typed in bold, Times New Roman, size 14, single-spaced. The book review should not contain title, abstract, keywords, references and quotations exceeding 3 lines. The journal only accepts reviews of books published in Brazil in the last 2 years, and abroad in the last 4 years.

The name of the author should appear below 3 blank single-spaced lines from the reference. It should be followed by an asterisk, which will refer to the author’s affiliation institution, followed by the city, state (province), country, and the electronic address (without the word email) in a footnote.

The review text must appear below 7 blank single-spaced lines from the author’s name, in Times New Roman, size 12 and one-and-a-half spaced throughout. Page configuration: The page size should be set to A4 (21cm x 29.7cm). Leave 3 cm from the top and bottom of the page, and 3.0 cm on the right and left margin.

Indentation: First-line of paragraphs should be 1.25 indented.

- Translated Paper or book chapters format

Translations must be preferably of academic papers and book chapters published within 12 months before the submission date (at most).

Translated articles are subjected to a peer review process, to decide on the opportunity and the convenience of their publication. They should follow the article format, where applicable.

Artistic production format

Regardless of the production genre, the text should follow the following formatting: page A-4, font Times New Roman, size 12, in Word document.

The complete work must be presented considering the following items:

1. The title centralized, at the top of the page, size 14, uppercase only for the first letter and proper nouns; in bold.

2. The name (s) of the author (s), below 2 blank single-spaced lines from the title, aligned to the right, size 11, in italics, indicated by an asterisk, in a footnote, the academic degree (s), institutional affiliation (s) and email.

3. For the translations of artistic texts, the bibliographical reference of the original text, aligned only to the left margin, should be indicated at the end of the text, single-spaced and separated by simple space.

4. Explanatory notes (if necessary) should be inserted at the end of each page, numbered from 1. Do not use explanatory notes for references.

5. Italics for emphasis, foreign terms and neologisms.

6. Reviews and artistic productions do not require orientation and co-authorship. Only those reviews concerning texts that have been published up to the last two (2) years prior to the date of submission of the review will be accepted.

7. For other formatting directives, refer to the paper formatting aforementioned.


General Information:

The journal editor reserves the right to return a manuscript if it departs from the style requirements.

As soon as the paper is accepted, the members of the Editorial Board will be selected according to their area of expertise to analyze the paper according to the scientific norms in force. Once the refereeing process is concluded, the review copies will be sent to the author with the appropriate instructions. If the paper is accepted with changes to be made, the author will receive comments in order to resubmit the paper.

Before being reviewed by our referees, the manuscript goes through a plagiarism checker software. If any percentage of plagiarism is detected, the manuscript will be immediately rejected and the author will be informed via e-mail.

In the event of auto-plagiarism that exceeds 15% (in case of re-use of data, for instance), the submission will not be accepted and the manuscript will be archived.

RLR does not accept multiple simultaneous submissions from the same author.


Academic productions sent by email will not be accepted. Be sure to use the journal’s system to submit.


Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.